
Gusti D’Italie

Gusti D’Italie

Gusti d’Italie is an italian-inspired bakery and restaurant located directly in the Allée du Marché in the heart of the downtown area of the city of Saint-Hyacinthe. Cannolis and delicious pizzas await you in a decor that will remind you of european cafés. Imported products from Italie.

In-store shopping
Takeout counter
Vegetarien dishes
Free Wi-Fi

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For more info

514 577-2229


1640, Allée du marché



J2S 8E4

Looking for ideas to enhance your stay?

Whether with family or friends, to enjoy the outdoors, to have fun or to discover the flavors of our region, our region offers a lively downtown area that is at once heritage, commercial, cultural and entertainment, authentic activities such as Chouette à voir! and the gardens of the Jardin Daniel A. Séguin, outdoor and indoor shows, and a diversity of producers and processors that will allow you to explore the region. You will be able to observe the vast expanses of farmland, travel along the banks of the rivers, follow the valleys of the Yamaska River or admire the Montérégiennes.

Check out our “Discover” section to get inspired!